These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Would you like to get to know me a little better? If we plan to spend time together, I’ve found it helpful (and quite delightful!) to compare notes on the things that bring us joy.

Here are some of the things that have been bringing me joy lately!

Dates I like to go on

A long walk and cooking a homemade meal together

Snuggling all warm and cozy on the couch with your favorite movie on

Dinner and a burlesque show at Harlow’s

A walk in the woods to a beautiful spring

A visit to a botanical garden with a homemade picnic

Holding hands in an art museum, excitedly sharing our favorite pieces


Lately, I have been absolutely devouring books on the vaginal microbiome, the biology of the female reproductive system, and how to sync your menstrual cycle to your life in ways that maximize comfort and productivity.  In general, though, I LOVE fantasy books with a strong female lead, historical fiction with a strong female lead (notice a trend here?), and interesting nonfiction.  

You can find my book wishlist here, though I prefer when books are purchased from independent bookstore!

Some examples of books I read and enjoyed recently:

The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah

From Here to Eternity - Caitlin Doughty

Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas (this is my favorite series of all time, and I may or may not have a tattoo from one of her other books in a place only special people get to see, teehee)

Board game


I LOVE BIRDS SO MUCH. This engine-building game is all about birds, and it’s lovely. Plus, the soundtrack is amazing. Yes. there’s a soundtrack!!

I also love playing Magic: The Gathering (tell me about your Commander deck 👀)

Games I’ve been wanting to learn: Arkham Horror, Mysterium.

Video game

Stardew Valley

I have a dream of starting a farm of my own, and this is the closest I can get! I have, however, been thinking of starting Breath of the Wild - it’s both of my partners’ favorite games and I’ve yet to play it.  How did you like it??

TV show

At the moment: Peaky Blinders

I know I’m a little late to the party on this one, but I started binging it last month after finishing a book that was set in 1890s London.  1920s Birmingham isn’t QUITE the same, but the grit is still there!


Le Labo Rose 31

This particular scent is an excellent compliment to my own natural scent - maple syrup (I kid you not).

Way to cheer myself up

Joyful movement, especially dancing!


Peonies, Dahlias, Cosmos, Poppies, Mums - anything that seems perfect in its imperfection


Sparkling Brut, a dry Rosé (extra points if you can find an Austrian Rosé), german whites, Orange wines.

Anything fresh and funky! This goes for beers too, I love a fun wild ale or saison. 

Mixed drink

I love rum-based tiki drinks, even if I don’t like the way I often feel in the morning if I forget to hydrate!


Ramen, Pho, Thai, and Sushi!

Place to travel

Anywhere with a beach or great diving!

Recently I’ve been dreaming of visits to a few places:

New Orleans

Asheville, NC

Scotland (particularly the Outer Hebrides!)


Mexico City


Sweet Treat

Dark chocolate, fruit tarts, cookies, Ben & Jerry’s - let’s be real, I have a MAJOR sweet tooth

How I like my coffee

Latte or Cappuccino, half-caf, always! I get edgy and anxious if I’m over-caffeinated, which does NOT make for a sexy time.  I like warm flavors like brown sugar or spice. Whole milk is great; pistachio milk is better.

How I like to be touched

Softly at first, sensually, with playful intent and openness. Then, once my body opens up, all kinds of variety, please! 

Want to surprise me with a gift? Need an idea?


As a small business owner, the best gift you can possibly give me is a financial investment in my business via a long booking that takes us on an adventure together. When in doubt, additional tips are the best way to impress me & get in my good graces. You can also always send tips via CashApp or Bitcoin (please email me for my wallet address).


You can find my book wishlist on Amazon, and some other opportunities to “Dress Me” on my Nordstrom wishlist. But for a more personal touch, here are some treats that I’ve had my eye on lately that will ensure that you stay on my mind when we are apart. Please email me for my P.O. box, or send the purchase amount + shipping to my CashApp.

Help Me Play

BDSM Trunk Kit (1500)

Unicorn Riding Sex Machine (1200)

Unicorn Butt Plug + Wand Set (275)

Tentacle Dildo (130)

Lorals Bikinis - 12 Pack (75)

Magnetic Dice Vault (105)

Aphrodisiac Massage Candle (70)

Prey Taxidermy - In-Person Class (800)

Support My Business

iPad Pro w/Pencil + Keyboard (2800)

Sponsor a photoshoot (800-2000)

Sponsor my Somatic Sexology intensive (2400/course x5)

Dress Me

New workout set (120)

YSL “Lou” Bag (1800)

Nurse Joy (Pokémon) Cosplay (120)

Serendipity (Sailor Moon) Cosplay (700)

Cou Cou Intimates 5 Pack (120)

Jane Doe Latex - Helena Frill Set (275)

Londre The Multiway Swimsuit (168)

Solstice - Mesh Piroutte Bodysuit (115)

blush - The Obsidian Set (66)

Care For Me

Buy me a new plant baby (60)

Personal care appointments - pedicure, lashes, facial, haircut, etc. (105-300)

Massage + a soak at my favorite bath house (150)

A month of pilates (200)

Signature Scent - Le Labo - Rose 31 (250)

Bike (8-1000)

Gift Cards

Dress Me: Nordstrom, Solstice Intimates (~200 per set), Fleur Du Mal (~350 per set), Agent Provocateur (~500 per set)

Care For Me: Sephora, DoorDash

Support My Business: Delta, Marriott, Lyft, Amazon